Frequently aSked questions

Q: I was a patient in a hospital recently and think my phone was bundled into the sheets when they stripped the bed. Do you think you might have it now?

A: We process lost property inquiries daily as many items are unintentionally lost. We have found everything from gold wedding rings to precious teddy bears! Not all lost property however makes it to our plant and some are not detected before they go into the wash cycle.
If you have a lost property inquiry - email us using the ‘Contact Us’ page, provide a detailed description of what was lost, when it was lost, which hospital it was lost from and the contact details of the owner. We do our utmost to locate lost property items but cannot guarrantee they will always be found.

Q: I work in a hospital that you supply linen to and I want to increase the number of sheets our ward receives. How do I do this?

A: The amount of linen issued to each ward in any hospital that we service is controlled by the hospital’s Director of Support Services. You need to make your request to this person and if it is approved, they in turn will notify Warragul Linen Service and we will issue the change.

Q: I see your trucks on the road all the time - where do you service?

A: Our customers are located as far east as Traralgon and as far west as Geelong.

Q: I am looking for a job, how do I apply for a position with Warragul Linen Service?

A: We advertise most vacancies on our website under the ‘Our Workforce’ tab - go to this page and click on ‘Work With us.’ This page advises if we are recruiting and if so, how to apply. It also provides position descriptions of the roles we employ.

Q: I run a business and require regular laundering of some of my linen products, how can I find out what your pricing is?

A: All new business inquiries should be emailed to the Warragul Linen Service via Please include in your email the size of the business, the amount of linen that requires laundering and how often.